Category: Tutorials
Helpful EQ Cheat Sheet for Cleaner Mixes
Chek out this handy guide of EQ tips for various frequency ranges. It gives examples of when to boost or duck frequency ranges to create more room in your mixes. EQ tips Cheat Sheet by fredv [snap url=”” alt=”EQ tips Cheat Sheet by fred” w=”400″ h=”300″]
Demo video of a Doepfer Dark Energy box
Simple trance with just 1 instrument and drum track. I want one of these! (Thanks, Mike Heymans, for letting us know about this!)
Renoise and Ableton Live sidechain Tutorial
Here is a simple example of how to do a sidechain in Renoise and then in Ableton Live. There are many ways to implement a sidechain but this is a great easy to follow example of how the technique works.
(S1E4) McKay Garner of doppio performance and interview – Electronic Music Makers Video Podcast
McKay Garner of the band “doppio” gives an in-depth tutorial on “keyboard drumming”: using a drumKAT MIDI controller with Ableton Live to create the beats and melodic lines heard on their latest self-titled album. McKay also talks about the band’s creative process and their participation in the Music Video Race. Brought to you by the…
A concise explanation of Audio Compression
I came across this article years ago and felt it does a concise job of explaining audio compression.
Circuit benders in SF!
Robotspeak is having the first of a 3-part class on circuit bending starting this Saturday! More information at: CIRCUIT BENDING ROBOTSPEAK and Dmitri go forward with Dmitri’s second round of Circuit Bending classes on 3 Saturdays 3 sessions (eleven hours total) includes DIY voice changer: TIME: Feb 11th, 18th, 25th from 1:00 till 4PM…
Trance fans checkout this SuperSAW Tutorial
Checkout this example of a Trance style SuperSAW using the awesome (and free) Synth1! Synth1 Link