Dmitri from COA-Modular has agreed to come to our February 13th Meetup to discuss the Serge Modular and the workshops they are doing at Robotspeak on the third Saturday of every month (starting in February). This is a great opportunity to learn how to build your own Serge Modular and also hear what it sounds like and how these monsters actually work.
Here are some of the topics Dmitri will be speaking about:
– Why they call the 1970s Serge “The People’s Synthesizer”/Brief local history of the Serge Modular Synth.
– What’s so different or cool about The Serge ?
– What they offer at their workshops / how you can get one.
We look forward to seeing you there and don’t forget to bring some music your wrote to share. In the meantime check out COA-Modular at these links: